The auto-enrolment solution for Northern Ireland


Cold Callers

Be Aware of Scams


The Pensions Regulator (TPR) and the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), supported by The Money and Pensions Service (MaPS), say fears over the impact of the pandemic on markets and personal finances may make savers more vulnerable to scams or making a decision that could damage their long-term interests.


Planning for your retirement


Deciding what to do with your retirement income is important and you should think carefully about what is right for you.

Changes to the Contribution File Format - Are You Ready?


If you normally upload the contribution file to Workers Pension Trust each month there are a number of checks you need to do to prepare for the change in October. This should allow your file to upload without any delays at the end of next month.

Important Changes to the Contribution File Format from October 2020


Workers Pension Trust is required to monitor the accuracy of contributions received. We want to make these checks more automated and are therefore making some changes to the pension contribution upload file format.

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