The auto-enrolment solution for Northern Ireland

Employers Resources

  • pdf
    For Employers Chubb Policy Schedule Download Chubb Policy Schedule for WPTE
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    For Employers GLA Product Summary Download Product Summary for Group Life
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    For Employers GLA Policy Conditions Download Policy Conditions for Group Life scheme
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    For Employers GLA Technical Guide Download GLA Technical Guide
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    For Employers Direct Debit Form Download If you need to change the bank account details from which your pension contribution payments are collected, please complete a new Direct Debit form and return it to the Scheme.
  • pdf
    For Employers Schedule of Contribution Statements Download
  • mp4
    For Employers Re-Enrolment Video Download Watch our short video on the five steps to re-enrolment.
  • docx
    For Employers Template Introductory Letter Download
  • pdf
    For Employers Your Auto-enrolment Solution Download As an employer, you'll have new duties in relation to everyone working for you. Our guide, Your Auto-enrolment Solution, explains what these changes mean for you.
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    For Employers Group Life Assurance Leaflet Download Workers Pension Trust offers Group Life Assurance as an additional employee benefit.
  • docx
    For Employers Template Letter & Information for Eligible Jobholders Download You must write to Eligible Job Holders to tell them they’ve been automatically enrolled and that they have a right to ‘opt out’ of the pension scheme. You’ll need to do this when an employee becomes eligible for automatic enrolment for the first time, or with any new starters who are eligible.
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    For Employers Template Letter for Non-Eligible or Entitled Workers Download You must write to non-eligible and entitled workers to inform them that they have not been auto-enrolled and that they have the right to join the pension scheme.
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    For Employers Template Postponement Letter Download If you’ve decided to postpone automatic enrolment for any of your staff, you must write to these staff to tell them.
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    For Employers Template Re-enrolment Letter Download Employers may use our template letter to write to staff to tell them that you’ve put them back into the workplace pension scheme.
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    For Employers Opt-Out Process Download Staff who have been auto-enrolled have the right to opt-out during the Opt-Out Period. To find out more download our Opt-Out Flow Chart.