The auto-enrolment solution for Northern Ireland


Important Changes to the Contribution File Format from October 2020


Workers Pension Trust is required to monitor the accuracy of contributions received. We want to make these checks more automated and are therefore making some changes to the pension contribution upload file format.

The importance of nominating beneficiaries for your workplace pension


Workers Pension Trust is reminding all members of the Scheme to complete an Expression of Wish form.

Information and Resources for your employees


A major event like Coronavirus has caused financial uncertainty for both employers and employees. Many people are worried about their own and their loved ones’ physical health at the moment, but it is important to think about how Coronavirus could impact their financial wellbeing too.

Automatic enrolment and pension contributions: Coronavirus Employer Guidance


The Pensions Regulator has confirmed that employer auto-enrolment duties continue to apply as normal, including your re-enrolment and re-declaration duties.

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